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pools.jpg (70017 bytes) JF-POS-98: 8" round ruffled bronze with nice rust red eye deep in the throat.  Nice green throat.  My best large eyed flower to date.  May be available Spring 2001
babe.jpg (59897 bytes) JF-babe-98: 4" perfect cream with dark eye and slight edge.  High bud count and early blooming make this a great flower for the early garden.  A great season starter.
pink.jpg (69983 bytes) JF-BB-98: 6" full ruffled rose pink with exceptional substance and plant qualities. My best overall pink to date.  Will be in demand for the pink lovers. May be available in Fall 2000.
redeye.jpg (67744 bytes) JF-REDEYE-98: 3 1/2" dusty rose peach blend with a contrasting eye made up of several different shades of red and rose.  Opens very well and one of the most consistent flower I have
wildeye.jpg (67837 bytes) JF-WE-98: 5 1/2" light lavender purple with very contrasting dark purple eye and bright green throat.  Very showy and looks as good at bed time as it does at 7 a.m. A very fine daylily and parent.
davidstar.jpg (63179 bytes) JF-DS-98: 5 2/3" dark red black with extraordinary substance.  Slow to open but the wait is worth it.  Perfect form and plant qualities with 26 inch scapes and 35 buds. Available Spring 2001
eugene.jpg (68792 bytes) JF-EUGENE-98: 6" full ruffled round yellow cream with the darkest green throat on any flower I know.  A great flower with exceptional traits.  A wonderful parent and my best yellow to date.